Celebrate Scandinavian mid-summer this weekend (official date was yesterday) with this very yummy recipe courtesy of
Madsens restaurant...
Recipe of the month
Swedish cured lemon and lime salmon
June is an important month for the Swedes due to Midsummer. The recipe of this months is a perfect choice for your Midsummer lunch or dinner.
This recipe serves 4 people.
60g salt
1 teaspoon white pepper
1 spoon lemon pee
1 spoon lime peel,
100 ml dill,
60 gram sugar,
half a side of a fresh salmon with skin on
How to do it:
Mix the salt, pepper, lemon peel, lime peel and sugar together in a bowl. Check the salmon filet for bones, remove any traces of bone if you find it.
Take the mixture and massage it in to the meat of the salmon on the filet side. When the mixture is divided evenly on the fish, sprinkle the fresh dill on top of it. Wrap the salmon in cling foil and keep it in the fridge for 48th hours. Remember to turn the salmon everyday
After 48th hours take out the salmon and remove some of the salt. Slice the meat into thin slices. It is the easiest to slice the meat sideways.
Serve with new potatoes and crème fresh or with home made potato salad.